“yÆ ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2023/09/13(UT)
X“cŒõŽ”,ˆÉ“”—¹Žj,śćŒ“ ‰„m,¼‰Ŗ’BŽu
Christophe Pellier

Mitsuji Morita
‰_‚Ŗ‘½‚­C‚ķ‚ø‚©‚Ģ°‚źŠŌ‚š‘_‚Į‚Ä‚ĢŽB‰e‚Å‚ ‚Į‚½B‚±‚Ģ‰ę‘œ‚šŽdć‚°‚½Œć‚É‚ĶŽB‰e‚Å‚«‚Č‚­‚Č‚Į‚½B
There were a lot of clouds,and I was able to capture this image during a brief period of clear skies.
After finishing this image,it was no longer possible to take pictures.

įŽ ‰źŒ§ŽēŽRŽs  X“cŒõŽ”ā[Mitsuji Morita:Siga Japan]

Satoshi Ito

įˆ¤’mŒ§  t“śˆäŽs  ˆÉ“”—¹Žjā[Satoshi Ito. Kasugai City,Aichi,Japan]

Nobuhito Kuwabara

[Nobuhito Kuwabara: Hokuto City,Yamanashi,Japan]
įŽR—œŒ§–k“mŽs śćŒ“ ‰„mā

Tatsushi Nishioka

<<_“ŽģŒ§  “”‘ņŽs  ¼‰Ŗ’BŽu>>[Tatsushi Nishioka. Fujisawa-city,Kanagawa,Japan]

Christophe Pellier
Again a spoke visible over Ring B (see RGB image and animation, also the second BP642 series), and various white patches (one of them might Enceladus in transit over the southern hemisphere)

[Christophe Pellier  Bruz City,France]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section