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Saturn Image 2024/04/11(UT)

Clyde Foster,Andy Casely

Clyde Foster
As mentioned with my Mars images,I have had quite consistent,and reasonable seeing conditions for the last few mornings. For the IR and R I have included over sharpened results to give some indication of the belts that are starting to show.
I made an attempt at Trevor Barryfs recommended method of duplicate captures separated by a reasonable time period to detect finer details rotating with the planet,but contrast was too low for the second set unfortunately. Ring angle has dropped to 3.9 deg.

[Clyde Foster : Khomas,Namibia]

Andy Casely
Here's an early image of Saturn in good conditions on 11th April. RGB and red filter images - good seeing despite the quite low elevation and soon after conjunction - the rings looking nice and narrow already. No major cloud features, and the blue filter image was still pretty ordinary, Cassini not quite resolvable in blue. Titan, Tethys and Mimas were nearby.

[Andy Casely,Sydney,Australiaa]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section