y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2023/05/20(UT)
Christopher Go
Christopher Go,T.Akutsu

Christopher Go
I finally received the replacement QHY5III678M. My previous camera had a UV-IR cut on it's chip! I am happy to say that the previous camera was a fluke. The new camera I received is very sensitive to IR! I was even able to capture methane band! Seeing was good today but transparency was variable because of clouds!
All the usual bands of Saturn can be see. In high contrast,some low contrast details can be seen. No major features in methane band.
My thoughts about the QHY5III678M. This camera is the best of both worlds. Sony's Starvis 2 is truly revolutionary. The IMX678M is the FIRST monochrome Starvis 2 camera! You have a camera that is even lower noise than the SC2210 (QHY5III200M) and the IR sensitivity of the IMX462! You can use this camera without a barlow or use 2X2 bin like what I am doing now! I can now say that this is the QHY5III678M is the best camera for planetary imaging.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]

Tomio Akutsu


ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section