土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2024/07/10(UT)
Vincenzo della Vecchia,Antonio Lasala Garcia,Michael Karrer,Ed Grafton
V.della Vecchia,A.Lasala,M.Karrer,E.Grafton,T.Akutsu

Vincenzo della Vecchia
My first image of this apparition,in average seeing conditions. An interesting double transit of Encelado and Mimas was occurring,unfortunately lost in image noise.

[Vincenzo della Vecchia : [Aversa,Italy]

Antonio Lasala

[Antonio Lasala :Morata de Jalon:Spain]

Michael Karrer
First attempt at the new appearance. The ring aperture has become narrow. Seeing conditions are difficult,altitude above horizon 34 degrees. Celestron 14

[Michael Karrer : St.Radegund,Austria]

Ed Grafton
The shadow of Saturn's moon Enceladus can be seen on the globe.

[Ed Grafton,Houston Texas U.S.A.]

Tomio Akutsu

≪Cebu PHILLIPINES  阿久津富夫≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section