土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2023/05/04(UT)
Niall MacNeill

Nobuya Minagawa

≪東京都  立川市  皆川伸也≫[Nobuya Minagawa:Tokyo Japan]

Niall MacNeill
I had really good seeing this morning and made a long series of IR642nm BP and RGB runs.
The moons, Titan, Tethys, Dione & Rhea were all close to the planet so I left the ROI large enough to capture them. The wide field view, shown here as it fell on the sensor, is substantially south up. The moons above the planet (south) in the image from left to right are Rhea, Dione & Tethys. Naturally ruddy Titan is at lower right (north).
There were three bright features all at a similar meridian, EZ, NTeZ & NNTeZ. These were not readily discernible in the IR642nm BP image, although the EZ one is more prominent there.
[Niall MacNeill : Wattle Flat,NSW,Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section