土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2023/07/30(UT)
Luigi Morrone,Paul G. Abel,Armando Vaccaro

Luigi Morrone

[Luigi Morrone : City Agerola Italy]

Paul G. Abel
Please find attached my first Saturn observation of the current apparition.  Conditions were rather poor at times with frequent passing cloud and haze.  Seeing was fair,around AIII - AIV.  Some interesting points to note:
-The STB and SEB can now be seen properly after being obscured by the rings for many years.  I did note that the SEB and STB had a bluish-grey cast to them while the STZ and SPR contained a greenish tine.  Looking back at my log books I find that the northern hemisphere had this exact colouration when the tilt was B=-8°
-The EZ(n) was yellowish with a hint of a EB.
-The NEB was broad and contained two distinctive components.  The NEB(s) seemed to contain some darker condensations.
-The NTB and NNTB were seen- the colours in the northern hemisphere were much warmer than those of the south.
-The rings are now much narrower- the A-Ring was a brownish colour,the outer edges were darker in moments of good seeing.
-Cassini Division observed but was seen only at the ansae edge.
-B-Ring bright
-C-Ring was also seen.
Dione was due to pass behind Saturn later but cloud cover became total at 0025UT and no further observations could be made.

[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]

Armando Vaccaro

[Armando Vaccaro: Casapulla - Italy]

Mitsuji Morita
Very good seeing at crossing the meridian. No significant changes were observed on Saturn's surface.

≪滋賀県守山市  森田光治≫[Mitsuji Morita:Siga Japan]

Tutomu Ishibashi

(Tutomu-Ishibashi Kanagawa-P Japan)
≪神奈川県  相模原市  石橋力≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section