土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2023/07/11(UT)
森田光治,大田 聡
Gary Walker,Serge Dramonis,Christophe Pellier,Jean-Luc Dauvergne,Niall MacNeill,Michel Jacques Jacquesson
G.Walker,M.Morita,S.Ota,S.Dramonis,Christophe.P,JL Dauvergne,N.MacNeill,Michel.J

Gary Walker
Saturn appears calm. No storms evident. Mimas and shadow are actually in transit although certainly not resolved.

[Gary Walker:Georgia:USA]

Mitsuji Morita

≪滋賀県守山市  森田光治≫[Mitsuji Morita:Siga Japan]

Satoshi Ota

[Tomigusuku city Okinawa Japan]
≪沖縄県  豊見城市  大田 聡≫

Serge Dramonis
Seeing 9/10   Trans 9/10
Presented in Johnson/Cousins Ic filter:
- processed image of Saturn.
- amplification of the intermediate image of Saturn (contrast,brightness,shadow level).
- equatorial region by ephemeris.
Prometheus (Saturn XVI) has a relatively high albedo (0.6),mag - 16.4.

[Serge Dramonis : Athens,Greece]

Christophe Pellier
I have been lazy to run derotation so there is none here.
The idea for me was only to take a look at the colors. On the southern winter hemisphere,the blue-absorbing chromophores are still not active,and at the result the colors are cold like in 2022.
Green,pink,violet,some really rare colors for such a yellow planet! Let's see if this evolves during the course of the apparition.
[Christophe Pellier  Bruz City,France]

Jean-Luc Dauvergne

[Jean-Luc Dauvergne:Paris France]

Niall MacNeill
The seeing was fair. Nothing remarkable was noted and the planet remains quiescent.

[Niall MacNeill : Wattle Flat,NSW,Australia]

Michel Jacquesson

[Michel Jacquesson : Sevigny-Waleppe (Ardennes) France]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section