土星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Image 2024/08/05(UT)
Ed Grafton,Michael Rosolina,Vlamir da Silva Junior,Con Kolivas,Philippe Chatelain
E.Grafton,M.Rosolina,V.da Silva Jr.,C.Kolivas,P.Chatelain
This is my first sketch of the new apparition. Mars is still very tiny in the eyepiece,so I was fortunate to have above average seeing for this observation.
[Ed Grafton,Houston Texas U.S.A.]
I had very good seeing for this observation. The moon are rendered a lttle bigger than they actually appeared.
[Michael Rosolina : Friars Hill,WV USA]
[Vlamir da Silva Junior : Sao Paulo,Brazil]
Seeing: 6/10
[Con Kolivas : Melbourne,Australia]
[Philippe Chatelain : Maurepas,France]