土星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Image 2024/08/24(UT)
Luigi Morrone,Paul G. Abel
Average seeing conditions. Titan on the right side of the globe
[Luigi Morrone : City Agerola Italy]
<<北海道札幌市 高尾幸弘>>[Yukihiro Takao.Sapporo-city,Hokkaido,Japan]
IN general seeing was around AIV but it was possible to use a power of x188 to discern a number of features. In particular, it was clear that all of the belts in the southern hemisphere were much less distinct and defined compared to those in the northern hemisphere:
・SPR a vague greyish region
・STZ a light colour zone and featureless
・STB seen but again faint and a bluish colour
・STropZ a bright zone, yellowish in colour
・SEB is perhaps the most diffuse I've ever seen it (I would normally expect it to be similar to the NEB), a greenish blue tint was present
・EZ(s) a bright zone and contained the ShRG
・EZ(n) also a bright zone and a EB could be seen
・NEB a dark broad band, brown in colour with two distinctive well defined components, the NEB(s) which was the darkest component and a thinner NEB(n). Both these components were not uniform bands but appeared to be made of a series of irregular sections joined together.
・NTropZ a bright yellowish zone
・NTB (or is this the NNTB?) seen further north, brown in colour.
・NTZ a light zone with a slight greenish tint.
・NPR a darker region and sl;ightly better defined than the SPR. NPR seemed to have a brownish colour.
・A-Ring slightly darker, yellowish-grey colour.
・Cassini Division seen at the ansae edges
・C-Ring visible as a vague irregular glow at the centre of the ansae.
・ShGR also seen.
Titan can be seen close to the the following limb and was a distinctive orange colour. The satellite near the preceding ansae is Tethys, the satellite visible close to the flowing ansae is Mimas.
[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]