Raffaele Barzacchi ( Mewlon 250mm : Vesta-pro or Toucam-pro)
Seeing was really good 7-8/10 but transparence was terrible: 4-5/10 because of clouded sky.
Infact it's was impossible for me to acquire with Televue 3X because image was with few brightness
only 130 ADU with 3X.
But I think it's my best image in details and definition. Contrast depends also from brightness and
infact the C-ring and pole have less definition.
The encke division is really marked in dozens of frames!
This japanese telescope continues to amazes me! It's really fantastic and it's a really great pleasure
to see saturn at 1200X perfectly with encke, or it's
shadow, visible through a Radian 5mm and a Televue 2X Barlow!!!
Takahashi Mewlon 250, Philips Vesta-Pro, Televue Barlow 2x, 971/1999 frames stacked, 1/10 sec, 10fps.
Seeing: 7-8/10, Trans: 4-5/10.
[Raffaele Barzacchi , Lavagna(GE) Italy Long +009ー23', lat +44ー17]