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Saturn Image 2004/09/28(UT)

Paolo R. Lazzarotti,Paulo Casquinha


Paolo R. Lazzarotti (250mm Newton : Lumenera LU075M)

Here attached my latest Saturn image showing a possible new wos detected at low latitude acrossing the CM.
Something of similar at the same latitude, but without any further confirming image, was imaged by me on Sept. 21th.
I wait for your replies!
[Paolo R. Lazzarotti : Massa-City,Italy]

Paulo Casquinha ( 200mm f/5 Newton Reflector Toucam Pro)
the seeing as improved a little
Seeing 7/10 transparency 5/5
(site: 38.567 N /8.933 W  Alt 124 m)
[Paulo Casquinha  Palmela, Portugal] 

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section