土星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Saturn Image 2004/12/04(UT)
Ralf Vandebergh,Olivier Meeckers,Damian Peach,Jan Adelaar

Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton:ATK-2C)
taken in moderate-good conditions.

Here are some additional observations from december 4. 2004
seeing was moderate-good.  time: 02:48-02:50 UT

Here is another processing from the december 4. images,with now a better visibility of the C-ring.
Image taken in normal mode of the ToUcam.

[Ralf Vandebergh:neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]

Olivier Meeckers (C14 350mm SC: ATK-1HS)

These pictures of Saturn have been captured with my new Cassegrain 305mm @ f/27. That was the first light for the new scope! Unfortunately the seeing was not so good and the results are not as good as the last pictures (November 24,2004) taken with the C14. Despite the fair seeing conditions a white spot has been identified in the vicinity of the SEB.
[Olivier Meeckers : Charneux, Belgium]
Damian Peach (235mm Celestron SCT:ATK-1HS & Philips ToUcam Pro)

Have attached an image taken this morning. Seeing was very good, but transparency no better than fair due to persistent mist. A "pleasent" 2deg C and 95% RH!.
A light spot is seen in the bright SEB zone, seen in all the images i took (sequence to follow later.)
9.25" (23.5 cm) Celestron SCT @ f/31.5
ATK-1HS CCD camera & ToUcam.
Seeing initially fair, but improved to good-excellent
(Pickering 8-9) later.
Transparency fair-poor (4.0-2.0mag) mist/haze/low clouds.
Wind NW (~3mph.) Heavy dew. Eq Diam=19.8" Altitude=55-60 degs.

Here are more images from the 4th. Note the small spot in the mid-SEB zone is seen in the images, especially at the end when seeing was good. A red seqeuence is attached with animation. Note the dark shadt region rotating within the mid-SEB zone as well as the faint white spot.
Also attached in a high contrast colour shot showing the spot, and also the colours present the globe. Another session from the 7th in good seeing to follow shortly.

[Damian Peach: Loudwater, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom]
Jan Adelaar(178mm (7') Maksutov cass:ToUcam)
Here an capture of the early morning of 4 dec. The sky was polluted with a
lot of fog,  actually the whole week! with now and then a semi transparant
sky, conditions were good but s/n is bad so difficult to gather enough
On my latest image there seems to be a white spot but can't be sure or is it
a artefact? Pitfully I can store only one avi on the laptop. Hope someone
verify this with better conditions.

Tried an 3D representation and the spots are more clear to see

[Jan Adelaar:Netherlands  Arnhem City]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section