火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部
Mars Image 2005/10/04(UT)
Clay Sherrod,Christophe Pellier,Richard Bosman,Martin Mobberley,Christopher Go
M.Neichi,Clay,Christophe.P,R.Bosman,M.Mobberley,Christopher Go
前日に拡がっていたアキダリウム(Mare Acidarium;30W+50)の白雲は、再び
北に集中した。Christophe Pellier はタルシス(Tharsis;90W,+10)付近の白雲
を記録した。Richard Bosmanの画像は、火星表面の小さな斑点の色を微妙に表
現している。(reported by 5 observers)
White clouds of Mare Acidarium (30W,+50) that had extended the day
before concentrated on the north again. Christophe Pellier recorded
white clouds in the vicinity of Tharsis (90W,+10). The image of Richard
Bosman expresses the color of a small slight dark spot on the surface
of Mars.
(reported by 5 observers)
Mitsuyuki Neichi (250mm Newtonian, SONY DV TRV900)
2005/10/04 18:14:57(UT)
Ls=300.31 CM= 0.09
De=-11.03 Dia=18.28" P=322.20
250mm(F6) Newtonian Pentax Or7mm
Sony TRV900 1/60sec 2825frames composite
Seeing:4/10 Trans:7/10
≪青森県三戸郡 根市満之≫
Dr. P. Clay Sherrod (410mm SC : ToUcam PRO)
Mars in wildly variable seeing conditions with focusing difficult; the strong blue
northern polar haze is seen well in these three images covering a two hour period. There
appears to be somewhat of an abrupt cessation of the haze beginning at about longitude 240
as suggested in the last (09:20 UT) image. A delineated, south-reaching segment of the
polar haze seems to be evident in the Aetheria region.
[Dr. P. Clay Sherrod Arkansas State U.S.A]
Christophe Pellier (C14 ; Lumenera ATK-1HS)
Hi all, seeing was extremely poor on the edge of a high altitude low pressure, but my new Lumenera got some interesting data (with a shorter focal lenght !
[Christophe Pellier Bruz City , France]
Richard Bosman(280mm SC:ATK-2HS)
[Richard Bosman: Netherlands]
Martin Mobberley (245mm Newton: Lumenera LU 075M)
Seeing was *very* poor, especially when compared to the excellent
conditions in the dawn sky of the 3rd. As winds were light at all levels
of the atmosphere this was a bit surprising! Due to cloud rapidly
approaching it was necessary to image Mars earlier than optimum but
this did allow a nice shot of the Solis Lacus, close to the meridian.
Somehow Registax salvaged a result ! CML = 82.
Orion Optics 245mm f/6.3 Newt + 5x Powermate projected to
~8x = f/50. 0.12 arcsecs/pixel (7.4 micron pixels).
Lumenera LU 075M + Red, Green & Blue filters.
Temp + 9 C. Slight dew. Transparency poor.
Captured/converted with Streampix.
Processed with Registax 3/Maxim DL/PSPro 8.
Further details on the image.
[Martin Mobberley: United Kingdom]
Christopher Go (Celestron C8:Toucam webcam)
[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]