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Saturn Image 2005/02/16(UT)
Damian Peach

Damian Peach (235mm Celestron SCT:ATK-1HS camera)
Here are some Saturn images from the 16th, Good seeing conditions, and a small dusky spot is seen in the mid-SEB.

D. A. Peach, Loudwater, Buckinghamshire, UK.
9.25" (23.5 cm) Celestron SCT @ f/39.5 ATK-1HS CCD camera.
Seeing good (Pickering 6-8.)  Wind NW (~3-5 mph.)
Transparency generally poor, with frequent stratus cloud (0.0-4.0mag.) Light dew.
Eq Diam=20.0"  Altitude=55-60 degs.
[Damian Peach: Loudwater, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section