土星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Saturn Image 2005/12/18(UT)
Carlos.E.Hernandez,Ki hyun Nam,Christophe Pellier,Damian Peach

Carlos E. Hernandez (Drawing:9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov- Cassegrain)
I made an observation of Saturn on December 18, 2005 (06:00 U.T.) under average seeing conditions (5-6/10). I noted detail over the globe and rings as recorded.
Date (U.T.): December 18, 2005
Time (U.T.): 06:00
CMI 336.3, CMII 074.6, CMIII 261.6
De: -17.7, Ds: -19.3
Instrument: 9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov-Cassegrain
Magnification: 272x
Filters: Klee OPS Barlow (2.8x, propietary filter layer within lens)
S (1-10): 5-6, Antoniadi (I-V): III
Transparency (1-6): 4
The South Equatorial Belt (SEB) appeared a pastel brown and dark to dusky (3-4/10, divided into two parts (SEBn and SEBS). The Equatorial Zone (EZ) was bright (7/10) and a pastel yellow color. The South Temperate Belt (STB) appeared thin and dusky (4/10). The South Temperate Zone (STZ) appeared bright and pastel yellow. The South South Temperate Belt (SSTB) appeared very thin and dull (5/10). The South Tropical Zone (STrZ) appeared shaded to bright (6-7/10) and pastel yellow. The South Polar Region (SPR) appeared dusky (4/10) with a central bright (7/10) area which contained a dark (3/10) core. The North Polar Region (NPR) appeared featureless.
I welcome any comments on my observation. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

[Carlos.E. Hernandez South Florida U.S.A ]
Ki hyun Nam (C8 200mm SCT : ToUcam ProII)

[Ki hyun Nam, Kyungki, Korea]

Christophe Pellier (C14 ; Lumenera ATK-1HS)
The images are interesting for the northern regions that are still currently in their winter. In color they are blue (as seen for example in Cassini's images). The UV image reveals the presence of a bright haze, almost as bright as the rings themselves. I've been waiting for this image for two years since I saw it first on older HST images :)

[Christophe Pellier Bruz City , France]
Damian Peach (350mm Celestron SCT:Lumenera LU075)
Here is a sequence of red images. Not spots were recorded.
[Damian Peach: Loudwater, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section