木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部
Jupiter Image 2006/08/11(UT)
Antonello Medugno,Donald C Parker
Antonello Medugno (356mm SC) |
2006/08/11 - UT: 19:35.9
Meade 14" (356mm) LX200GPS (SC)
ImagingSource DMK21AF04 mono @ 11,5fps (best 220/380)
Seeing 2/5,Tans. 5/10
Filters: IRpass 807nm + GB (Astronomik)
Comments: Jupiter at primary focus using the Irpass 807nm instead of
the R to enhance the BA coloration. I've used a light deconvolve
post-filtering to reduce the onion rings.
[Antonello Medugno,Capua-Italy]
Donald C Parker(16-in (41cm) Newtonian) |
Very poor seeing.
[ Donald C Parker Coral Gables,Florida U.S.A]