木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部
Jupiter Image 2006/08/12(UT)
John Kazanas
Kenkichi.Yunoki (200mm Newtonian) |
[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
John Kazanas (317mm Newton) |
August 12th,2006
CMI 328.1
CMII 239.2
CMIII 45.4
Seeing 7/10
Transparency 9/10 (excludes city light pollution)
JMI NGT 12.5 f/5 w /Torus Optics,SPC900 webcam,UV/IR Baader cut-off filter.
Re-sampled x 1.2 in Registax,175 R,G,B frames processed and recombined in Astra Image
(ME Deconvolution Exponential 6 @ 1.4)
medium unsharp masking,autocolour in Photoshop and slight adustments in curves
I have completed a reprocess of the same image using a new technique I have started
using involving first running a FFT Butterworth Lowpass and then LR Exponential 7 @ 1.5.
Also, not sure I have seen the highlighted feature in the SEB before, is there a
disturbance perhaps building up in the SEB and EB areas?
To me it appears like a reddish brown streak is extending into the Equatorial Zone
from the South Equatorial Belt whilst at the same time a round red swirling area is
forming in the South Equatorial Belt.
Jupiter, by John Kazanas, Melbourne, Australia
August 12th, 2006
CMI 328.1
CMII 239.2
CMIII 45.4
Seeing 7/10
Transparency 9/10 (excludes city light pollution)
JMI NGT 12.5 f/5 w /Torus Optics, SPC900 webcam, UV/IR Baader cut-off filter, 5 x Powermate
[John Kazanas,Melbourne Australia]
Toshirou.Mishina (200mm Newtonian) |
≪神奈川県 横浜市 三品利郎≫
Ikuo Takimoto (310mm Newtonian) |
[Ayauta-gun Kagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪香川県 綾歌郡 瀧本郁夫≫