火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Mars Image 2006/02/09(UT)
Damian Peach

 Damian Peachの画像では、白雲や霧の様子が良く分かり、興味深い。かなり
イシディス(Isidis;270W,+25)やセルペンティス(Mare Serpentis;325W,-25)付
近にも淡く雲が広がっているのが分かる。(reported by 1 observer)

In the image of Damian Peach,the appearance of white clouds and the
fog is understood well,and it is interesting. The appearance where
white clouds have extended to the large range is considerably
understood. SPC seems not to be seen. It is understood that the
cloud has lightly extended also to Isidis (270W,+25) and the vicinity
of Mare Serpentis (325W,-25).
FROM Makoto Adachi

Damian Peach (350mm Celestron SCT:Lumenera LU075)

Here are some images from Feb 6th. Good seeing. A bright cloud over Libya. Also a bright limb cloud over southern Mare Hadriacum on the edge of Hellas. Some mistiness also over Ausonia and the SPR.
[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]

Ichirou Tasaka(730mm Cassegrain(530mm))
≪和歌山県新宮市 田阪一郎≫
ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section