火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Mars Image 2006/02/18(UT)
安達 誠
Damian Peach

い。ほとんど同じ状態を毎日繰り返している。(reported by 2 observers)

As for the Mars side where Elysium (215W,+25) is seen, a big change
is not seen. The same is almost repeated every day.
(reported by 2 observers)
FROM Makoto Adachi

Makoto Adachi (Drawing: 310mm Newtonian)


<Makoto Adochi Ohtu Shiga Japan> ≪滋賀県 大津市 安達 誠≫
Damian Peach (350mm Celestron SCT:Lumenera LU075)
Here are some images from Feb 18th. Good seeing, but caught through a 20min clearing in the clouds very late with Mars well past the meridian. Similar details to yesterday with the NPC nicely seen, and SPH prominent.

[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]
ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section