火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Mars Image 2006/02/19(UT)


 Carlos Hernandezだけの観測となった。Hellas(Hellas;290W,-50)は明け
測は厳しくなってきた。(reported by 1 observer)

It became an observation of Carlos Hernandez only one. As for Hellas,
limb at the dawn is brightly observed. However, this to seem not to
be straightening of the fog. The South Pole and the North Pole are
brightly observed. The diameter gradually becomes small, and the
visual observation has become severe.  (reported by 1 observer)
FROM Makoto Adachi

Carlos E. Hernandez (Drawing:9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov- Cassegrain)
I made a pair of observations of Mars on February 19, 2006 (00:45 and 01:05 U.T.) using two excellent instruments (6" F/15 Refractor and a 10" F/9 Newtonian) belonging to a friend (Michael Palermiti, Jupiter, Florida). The apparent diameter of the planet was small (7.6"), but I was able to pick out detail when the seeing steadied for brief moments at a time. The red planet stills continue to provide views for us earthlings. I welcome any comments on my observations.
Date (U.T.): February 19, 2006
Time (U.T.): 00:45 (left image) and 01:05 (right image)
CM: 297.5 (left image) and 282.3 (right image)
Ls: 013.9 (Early Northern Spring/Southern Autumn)
De: -11.3, Ds: 5.8, p 0.89, 7.6"
Instrument: 6" F/15 Refractor (left image) and 10" F/9 Newtonian (right image)
Filters: None
Seeing (1-10): 5-6, Antoniadi (I-V): III
Transparency (1-6): 6
00:45 U.T. (Left image, CM 297.5, 6" F/15 Refractor): Mare Cimmerium appears dark to dusky (3-4/10) preceding the CM. Hesperia appears as a light (7/10) division between Mare Cimmerium and Mare Tyrrhenum. Mare Tyrrhenum and Syrtis Minor appears dark to dusky (3-4/10) following the CM. Mare Chronium appears dusky (4/10) preceding the CM towards the South-preceding limb. Eridania and Ausonia appear shaded to bright (6-7/10). Mare Hadriacum appears dark to dusky (3-4/10) over the eastern (preceding) border of Hellas (8-9/10). Iapygia Viridis appears dusky (4/10) and Syrtis Major dark to dusky (3-4/10) towards the following limb. Aeolis and Aethiopis appears bright (7/10). Libya appears bright to very bright (7-8/10, haze?). Very bright to extremely bright (8-9/10) haze is visible over the south polar, preceding (evening), north polar, and following (morning) limbs.
01:05 U.T. (Right image, CM 282.3, 10" F/9 Newtonian): The above description (00:45 U.T.) applies to this observation with the addition of a greater clarity of albedo features. The Hyblaeus Extension (4-5/10) was visible towards the northern limb. The preceding (eastern) portions of Hellespontus (4/10) and Sabaeus Sinus (3/10) were visible over the following limb.

[[Carlos.E. Hernandez South Florida U.S.A ]]
ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section