土星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Saturn Image 2006/01/24(UT)
James P.Fisher

Kenkichi.Yunoki (200mm Newtonian,ToUcam Pro)
衝効果(Opposition Effect)に伴うハイリゲインシャイン現象(Heiligenschein)現象はさらに進んできたように感じた。透明度も良かったせいもあるが、モニター上で環が23日よりも明るくなってきているようである。シーイングは今一つであったが、白斑(WS)が体系Vの163°付近に見られる。今シーズン初めての白斑ではないだろうか。

[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
Ikuo Takimoto (310mm Newtonian :ToUcam Pro )

[Ayauta-gun Kagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪香川県  綾歌郡  瀧本郁夫≫

James P.Fisher(250mm Newtonian:Toucam II)
  Please find attached a Toucam Saturn pic taken rougly 30 minutes previous to the one I sent earlier. 
I believe it illustrates movement of the white spot with rotation.
  Information as follows:
  UD     2006/01/24 05:34:00
  CM I  =    64.4
  CM II =    47.7
  CM III =   190.6
  DIA    =    20.4
  seeing           =  5/10
  transparency =  9/10 
    250mm f/6 newtonian,  5X powermate, Toucam II with NIR block
 Comments:  white spot in southern hemisphere, just south of SEB and to left of center on  image.
  *Please note  that I have not listed capture time in seconds as I am unsure of timing as related to length of AVI capture.  
Should this be recorded as start of capture, end of capture, or some interpolated value?  
Advice about this or other parameters would be appreciated.

Please find attached as a jpeg file an image of Saturn as follows:
  UD:  2006-01-24 06:04
  250 mm f/6 newtonian 3X barlow
  camera:     Fire-I monochrome (modified)
  filters:        RGB with built in IR block
  CM III         207.3           
  seeing:       4/10
  trans:         8/10
  Comments:  White spot visible just south of SEB to the left of CM on pic.

[ James P. Fisher : Texas,USA,U.S.A]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section