土星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Saturn Image 2006/03/11(UT)

Ralf Vandebergh,Paulo Casquinha,Tiziano Olivetti,Glauco Uri

Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton:ATK-1HS)
I took this image of the STrZ-storm in a short break between the clouds on Saturdaynight(March 11).The spot is still visible
as an obvious disturbance.Seeing was fair.

10 inch Newtonian & ToUcam PCVC750k.

[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]

Paulo Casquinha (250 mm Newtonian Reflector:Toucam Pro)
Saturn taken with good seeing 6 to 7/10 and good transparency 4/5.

(site: 38.567 N /8.933 W  Alt 124 m)
[Paulo Casquinha  Palmela,Portugal] 

Tiziano Olivetti(180mm Maksutov-Newtonian:Astromeccanica KC381)
2006/03/11 15:04:28 (UT)
CMI=357 CMII=282 CMIII=9 diam.=19.7"
Seeing 8/10 transp.7/10
Newton Giacometti Optics diam.=275 mm  f.eq.=8,800 mm - barlow Powermate 5X
camera Astromeccanica K-SS8H2P IR cut ON

[ティジャノ:オリベッティ タイ バンコク]
[Tiziano Olivetti : Bangkok Metropolis : Thailand]

Glauco Uri(400mm Newton:Toucam Pro)
very well visible wos.  
[ Glauco Uri ITALY ]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section