木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2008/06/10(UT)
齋藤 強,小澤徳仁郎
Xavier Dupont,David Arditti,Paolo R. Lazzarotti

Xavier Dupont (180mm Newtonian)
Very bad transparency this morning...

180mm Newtonian
ToUcam Pro
3X Barlow
Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector

[Xavier Dupont,Saint-Roch France]

Tsuyoshi Saitou(200mm catadioptric)

(Tsuyoshi Saitou : Agatsuma-gun Gumma-Prefecture Japan)
≪齋藤 強:群馬県  吾妻郡≫

Kozawa Tokujiro(250mm Newtonian)
2008/06/10 15:22:30(UT)
I=142.8 II=354.8 III=338.6
De= -1.6 E.Dia=45.90"
15fps AVI 120sec 1798frams
250mm Newtonian,HC Or12mm(f/34),IR cut filter
Philips ToUcam ProII,15fps AVI 120sec 1716/1798frams
Seeing:2/10 Transp.:1/10

(Kozawa Tokujiro : Hachiouji-City Tokyo Japan)

David Arditti (280mm SC)
Continuing my experiments with extreme low-altitude Jupiter imaging,I tried an RGB,top left,as seeing was good on this night,but it isn't too pleasing. More satisfactory are the false-colour images to the right,created using IR images for the red channels,blue for the blue,and averages for the green.
The telescope aperture is about half obscured by the top of the observatory wall,but my SkyNYX camera is back,having been efficiently repaired under warranty by Framos (good marks to them,even supplied with a very clean chip).

[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
Paolo R. Lazzarotti (250mm Newton)
On June 10 I gave Jupiter my very first attempt this year feeding very little hopes to get some decent image out because its murky altitude from here.
But I had an unexpectedly good seeing on that morning when the sky was getting brighter and brighter and the planet was falling down to 22 degs.
Transparency was poor given the 95% ground umidity turning Jupiter into a yellowish star.

[Paolo R. Lazzarotti : Massa-City,Italy]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section