y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2008/02/03(UT)

Bruce Worsley,Marc Delcroix

Bruce Worsley(SC-8 203mmSC)
2008/02/03  06:20 U.T.
SC-8"  (203mmSC)  F/30 3X Tele-Vue Barlow
DFK-21AU04.AS USB Color Camera.
IR filter built in.
IC Capture.AS 2.0 software. RegiStax to stack
1/5 sec 30FPS
Seeing 4-5 Trans 4-5

[ Bruce Worsley : Cooper City,Florida U.S.A]

Marc Delcroix (254mm SC)
I got correct seeing one week ago, allowing me to take a view of Tethys and its shadow transiting on Saturn's globe. Here are all of the L and RGB images:

The storm STrZ which was visible last 2 months can not be seen on this image.

Here is a composition, with enhanced luminosity for (from left to right) Dione, Enceladus, (Saturn/Tethys), Mimas et Rhea.

here is a composition with heavy treatments (not for scientific usage) of Saturn and all its 8 satellites. It's best viewed in real size, so please magnify the image in your browser:

An animation shows the transit better:

[Marc Delcroix Tournefeuille,France]
ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section