y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2010/02/08(UT)

Dave and Gail Bleser,Carl Roussell

Dave and Gail Bleser(356mm SC)
We had a dew cap on but it wasn't enough to keep the corrector plate  clear.
We should  have turned on the heater!  The RGB images were  darker than they should have been.

[Dave and Gail Bleser:North Miami Beach:USA]

Carl Roussell(150mm F8 refractor)
2010/02/08  4:45 UT
IL, W23A, W58, W38A
See: 5/10  Trans: 3.5/6
CM1=208  CM2=37  CM3=200
B= +4.5  B'= +2.7

[ Carl Roussell : Hamilton Canada]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section