土星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Image 2010/03/13(UT)
Christopher Go,Cristina Cellini
T.Akutsu,Christopher Go,K.Yunoki,C.Cellini
Tomio Akutsu (355mmSC C14) |
≪Cebu PHILLIPINES 阿久津富夫≫
Christopher Go (Celestron C11) |
Saturn was almost at the zenith when I took these images. Seeing was good.
The Saturn Electrostatic Disturbance (SED) is really brightening now! It is much more prominent than when I last imaged it.
Both the SPR and NPR are very dark. The SEB is very prominent while the NEB looks faint. There are a lot of band details especially in the northern hemisphere.
[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Kenkichi.Yunoki (260mm Newtonian) |
阿久津さんの見つけたWhite Spotが確認出来る
[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
Cristina Cellini(Meade LX200 12") |
2010/03/13 22.45 (UT)
Meade LX200 12" 304mm GPS
Lumenera Lu075C
Barlow 3x Abbe Baader-Zeiss
IR-cut filter
Cellini Cristina
San Romualdo - Ravenna (Italy)
44°29'N - 12°10'E
12°10'E - 44°29'N
[Cristina Cellini:Ravenna Italy]