土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2011/05/07(UT)
Jim Phillips,Gentile Angelo,Raffaele Barzacchi,Donald C Parker,Joerg Mosch

Seiichi Yoneyama(248mm Newton)

≪神奈川県横浜市  米山誠一≫

Satoshi Mogami(305mm Newtonian)

[S.Mogami:Koto-Ward Tokyo-to Japan]
≪東京都江東区  最上 聡≫

Kozawa Tokujiro(315mm Newtonian)

(Kozawa Tokujiro : Hachiouji-City Tokyo Japan)

Toshirou.Mishina (200mm Newtonian)

≪神奈川県  横浜市  三品利郎≫

Tomoyuki Yoshida(300mm Dall-kirkham)

[吉田知之 Tomoyuki Yoshida:Utsunomiya,Tochigi,Japan]

Akihiro.Yamazaki(318mm Dall-Kirkham)
Akihiro Yamazaki (318mm Dall-Kirkham)
コメント: Tethysが通過中で、影とうっすら本体が写っています。(NIR画像)

[A.Yamazaki: Machida Tokyo Japan]

Jim Phillips(254mm TMB)
The seeing was not the greatest but after hearing the Cicadas all day long,a whip-o-wil and two owls in the distance were a great treat.
The storm shows lots of detail as you can see. Maybe better seeing next time.

[Jim Phillips South Carolina,U.S.A.]
Gentile Angelo (356mm SC)

[Gentile Angelo:  Manfredonia ITALY]

Raffaele Barzacchi (355mm SC)
2011/05/07  20:56 U.T.
Loc:  Ostellato (FE),Italy
Seeing: 5-6/10
Trans:       2/5
Umid:     High
Telescope: C14xlt
CCD: Basler acA640-gm
The seeing was mediocre and the transparency was very low so I had to acquire in a very small focal length.
But the storm is clearly visible ...

Long 9d30'08"E,lat +44d19'28" N
[Raffaele Barzacchi,Lavagna(GE) Italy]

Donald C Parker(16-in (41cm) Newtonian)
In addition to the northern storm,there is a faint SEBz spot located near longitude 260.4 (III) and 27.5 South

[ Donald C Parker Coral Gables,Florida U.S.A]

Joerg Mosch(180mm FLrefractor)

[Joerg Mosch:Meissen,Germany]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section