Christopher Go,Damian Peach
Christopher Go,D.Peach
Christopher Go (355mm SC)
Weather had been terrible here for the past week because of Super Typhoon Guchol. The skies finally cleared today but transparency was poor.
The northern hemisphere of Saturn has a very reddish hue on it's belts. The zones of Saturn is greenish. Note the white spot on the NNTZ.
[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Damian Peach (356mm Celestron SCT)
Dreadful weather throughout June has meant limited opportunities. Despite this the 18th and 19th both brought some good seeing, with the best of it on the evening of the 18th when this Saturn was taken.
Various small spots visible across the disk and the shadow of the rings across the globe has increased considerably since opposition.
[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]