土星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Image 2013/02/01(UT)
Daniel Chang,Trevor Barry
Daniel Chang (180mm Mewlon) |
SATURN 2013-02-01 20:58 UT
CM I 21.2° CM II 294.5° CM III 223.1°
DBK 21AF04.AS Mewlon 180mm f/12 + 3x = f/36
[Daniel Chang : Hong Kong]
Trevor Barry(406mm Newtonian) |
Imaged Saturn Feb 1st in variable seeing, the best of it being quite reasonable. I noted the recent message circulated by John Rogers to our group regarding the hexagonal polar storm imaged quite nicely by Darryl on CN. Through 2012 as the Nth pole became more visible this polar storm started to show up, particularly at 807nm IR although it was also visible in some R and RGB data. I am confident that a search through the PVOL data base would reveal many examples of it. I have never previously seen a polar map of it though, it has never really been a priority for our work with Georg and the RPWS data. Having said that I have attached a polar map from one of my RGB data sets for Feb 1st and clearly the hexagon can be seen. The hexagon can also be seen in the individual RGB & 742nm IR images. I have also attached an animation of 3 RGB data sets that covers the rotation over a 35 min period, I note that this animation reveals a few degrees rotation of the hexagonal polar storm.
Probably of greater interest to our RPWS work are some interesting details in the NEB. In the animation is a well defined spot mid way through the NEB, just to the Preceding side of the CM and moves toward the "P" limb. Also at a similar latitude in the NEB but starting from back toward the Following limb and moving toward the CM is another reasonably bright feature, however it seems to be more stretched out rather than just a spot.
[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]