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Saturn Image 2013/02/05(UT)

Trevor Barry

Trevor Barry(406mm Newtonian)
Imaged Saturn this morning in reasonable seeing, the best thus far for this apparition.
There is just so much to see in the animation of my RGB data. There is considerable structure in the great storm remnant with multiple compact brighter spots along it. The remnant has grown noticeably thinner from what it was prior to Solar conjunction. The NEB also has multiple bright spots within it. The longer I look the more I can make out.

The sharp edges of the hex are obvious. I have put together an animation of the polar projection maps from each of the 3 RGB data sets.
Have also attached 2 742nm IR data sets, one from the start and end of the session which was over 72 min's.
It is very interesting comparing the Sys II rate of rotation bordering the hex with the Sys III rotation of the hex.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]
ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section