土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2013/02/15(UT)
堀内 直
Trevor Barry

Tadashi Horiuchi(300mm Newtonian)

《京都府宇治市、堀内直》[T.Horiuchi: Uji- City Kyoto Japan]

Trevor Barry(406mm Newtonian)
Imaged Saturn this morning in reasonable seeing. Of interest in my 742nm IR data, is what I believe to be, the vortex within the Hexagon at the North pole.
It is in all three of my IR data sets. Each IR image is made from two consecutive 3 min IR captures derotated and combined in WinJUPOS, the 1 min between them means each IR image here is captured over a 7 min period. There is just over 1 hour between the mid point of my 1st & 3rd IR images and while the vortex is most prominent in the 1st image, it is also visible in the other two as well.
Also of interest in both my RGB & 742nm IR data is a quite prominent dark spot. I measure its position to be at L3 333.2 Lat +46.9.
There are also some diffuse bright spots in the NEB, the dark spot comes up very well in my animations of both IR & RGB data.
Interestingly the dark spot, which is also visible in my IR & RGB polar projection maps, lines up very nicely with one the the hexagons vertices in the 1st IR polar map at approx 333 Sys III. The rotation of the spot in Sys II makes for a nice comparison with the hexagons Sys III rotation when considering a comparison with these movements over the approx 80 minutes covered by this data.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]
ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section