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Saturn Image 2013/04/16(UT)

Pascal Lemaire,Paul G. Abel

Pascal Lemaire (280mm SC)
IR 742   00:25.7   UT

[Pascal Lemaire : France]

Paul G. Abel(203mm reflector)
Please find attached an observation of Saturn observation made Dr. Hugh Sasse and myself using the University of Leicester's 20" DK Planewave telescope. Seeing was largely AIV but we were able to use a number of higher powers on the planet in the steadier moments. We afforded some interesting views of the planet,
these were as follows:


-A faint EB present just under the crossing of the C-Ring
-A number of faint broad bands making up the broad NEB. Some faint structures appeared to be present within the NEBz and the NTropZ
-Greenish colour present in NTZ
-NPR bluish.

-Ansae now very bright as we approach opposition
-Cassini Division seen, but did not appear black, rather a very dark brown.
-C-Ring dark, best seen at the ansae centre.

-Even in this telescope, the whole of the B1-Ring seems to have a yellowish cast to me.
-B2 Ring hard to see visually.

Perhaps the most intriguing thing was a definite angular impression I had of the NPR, although this angularity only appeared to present on the proc. side of the NPR. I do not claim that I have seen the NP Hexagon- only that in the calmer conditions at x356, there was a definite sense of two straight lines at an angle.
By 2345UT the planet moved over some buildings that seemed to be generating a lot of heat and this destroyed the seeing rather. We had hopped to do some filter and intensity work, but when I could not even get a reasonable image at x160, we decided to abandon this.
I should note that in both drawings, the NPR has been somewhat enhanced contrast wise. When seen in the eyepiece it was not quite as dark as appears in the drawings here.

[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]
ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section