土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2013/06/15(UT)
大田 聡
Giancarlo Rizzato,Fumega Camilo Ucha,Antonio Lasala Garcia,Manos Kardasis

Satoshi Ota (309mm Newtonian)

[Tomigusuku city Okinawa Japan]
≪沖縄県  豊見城市  大田 聡≫

Giancarlo Rizzato( 280mm SC)
SC280MM @ f 30filter ir 742G.B.+IR

[Giancarlo Rizzato : Marano Vicentino (Vicenza) ITALY]

Fumega Camilo Ucha(310mm.Newton)
On the 15th the seeing allowed me a new picture of Saturn.

[Fumega Camilo Ucha  : Galicia,Spain]

Antonio Lasala (254mm Newtonian)
saturn2013-06-15_21-25-07 UT
Camera Basler acA640-100gm

[Antonio Lasala :Morata de Jalon:Spain]

Manos Kardasis (280mm SCT )
here is a set under below average conditions.RGB is poor.IR is better where one tiny dark spot is visible at L3 126, B" 24. Also some dark spots at B"61 and some brighter areas around B" 30 as usual. The methane sets are very interesting especially around 20"-40". The hexagon seems darker near the corner-edges.

[Manos Kardasis,Glyfada-Athens;Greece]
《カーダシス マノス:ギリシャ アテネ》
ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section