y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2014/06/11(UT)

Dave and Gail Bleser,Joaquin Camarena,David Gray,Paul G. Abel

Dave and Gail Bleser(355mm SC)

[Dave and Gail Bleser:North Miami Beach:USA]

Joaquin Camarena(102mm refractor,305mm S.C)

[ Joaquin Camarena,Tagliacozzo - L'Aquila ITALY ]

David Gray (415mm Dall-Kirkham)
Been some while since I sent anything due to various difficulties. Not a lot managed with Saturn this apparition (only 8 sessions). I'ts maxing at about 20 deg altitude here now; but as ever good seeing can come along to reward the patience and perseverance!

[David Gray: Spennymoor Co. Durham,United Kingdom]
Paul G. Abel(203mm reflector)
Please find attached a drawing of Saturn made on 11th June. Seeing was somewhat unusual in that the fine features were hard to see and indistinct and yet the image of the planet was sharp. A-Ring notably darker and somewhat bluer than previously.

[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]
ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section