y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2015/03/19(UT)

Avani Soares

Avani Soares (305mm Newton)
Saturn - March 19, 2015 06:32 TU
CM I: 189.7o   CM III: 330.9o   Seeing: 3/5
C14 Edge + QHY 3L color + Powermate 2X + Filrer R 610 nm
Stack 2000 frames in AS!2
Processing in Registax 6, Photofiltre and Fitswork
Observatory Parsec, Canoas, Brazil
By Avani Soares

Proving the eye of the hurricane hexagonal at the North Pole of Saturn
About two weeks ago I got a picture in which the eye of the polar hurricane was 
manifested in very subtle way.
This left me uncertain if it really was him because I believe that this is an 
unprecedented detail in pictures taken by Brazilian photographers.
Now this picture obtained with improved resolution leaves no doubt that I could 
really grasp it, he outlines perfectly in the center of the hexagon and anyone 
can see it easily just by looking!
Since its discovery in the 1980s, the hexagonal storm north of Saturn polo has 
provoked curiosity and speculation, even by scientists.
The Cassini spacecraft to make a close pass can register it in photos and video.

 From these data, scientists now know that the eye of the storm is about 2000 km 
in diameter, 20 times larger than the average size of the eye of a terrestrial 
hurricane. Fine and bright clouds in hurricane edge are traveling 150 meters per 
second within a larger structure, known as the hexagon.
The first image of this hurricane and this hexagonal structure was taken by the 
Voyager spacecraft, when he passed the planet in the 1980s and the structure 
remained for over twenty years, until the arrival of the Cassini spacecraft.

When the new ship arrived on the planet in 2004, the north pole of Saturn was 
dark because it was winter in that hemisphere. Still, the probe data and images 
captured with the infrared spectrometer.
The infrared mapping revealed a huge vortex, but an image with visible light was 
only possible with the passage of the Saturn equinox in August 2009. And, to see 
the pole, it was necessary to modify the angle of Cassini's orbit around Saturn, 
a move which depends on the passage by the moon Titan and requires careful 
planning, years in advance, to ensure that the spacecraft will have fuel to 
achieve other planned orbits and do other space meetings.
In the images attached to mine, made by the Cassini spacecraft, the photos show 
the hurricane in red are false color images (treated to represent certain 
wavelengths with different color of natural, to highlight aspects that 
scientists want to study).
Source: Hype Science
Adaptation: Avani Avani Soares

March 19, 2015 06:32 TU
CM I: 189.7o   CM III: 330.9o   Seeing: 3/5
C14 Edge + QHY 3L color + Powermate 2X + Filrer R 610 nm
Stack 2000 frames in AS!2
Processing in Registax 6, Photofiltre and Fitswork
Observatory Parsec, Canoas, Brazil
By Avani Soares

Proving the eye of the hurricane hexagonal at the North Pole of Saturn
About two weeks ago I got a picture in which the eye of the polar hurricane was 
manifested in very subtle way.
This left me uncertain if it really was him because I believe that this is an 
unprecedented detail in pictures taken by Brazilian photographers.
Now this picture obtained with improved resolution leaves no doubt that I could 
really grasp it, he outlines perfectly in the center of the hexagon and anyone 
can see it easily just by looking!
Since its discovery in the 1980s, the hexagonal storm north of Saturn polo has 
provoked curiosity and speculation, even by scientists.
The Cassini spacecraft to make a close pass can register it in photos and video.

 From these data, scientists now know that the eye of the storm is about 2000 km 
in diameter, 20 times larger than the average size of the eye of a terrestrial 
hurricane. Fine and bright clouds in hurricane edge are traveling 150 meters per 
second within a larger structure, known as the hexagon.
The first image of this hurricane and this hexagonal structure was taken by the 
Voyager spacecraft, when he passed the planet in the 1980s and the structure 
remained for over twenty years, until the arrival of the Cassini spacecraft.

When the new ship arrived on the planet in 2004, the north pole of Saturn was 
dark because it was winter in that hemisphere. Still, the probe data and images 
captured with the infrared spectrometer.
The infrared mapping revealed a huge vortex, but an image with visible light was 
only possible with the passage of the Saturn equinox in August 2009. And, to see 
the pole, it was necessary to modify the angle of Cassini's orbit around Saturn, 
a move which depends on the passage by the moon Titan and requires careful 
planning, years in advance, to ensure that the spacecraft will have fuel to 
achieve other planned orbits and do other space meetings.
In the images attached to mine, made by the Cassini spacecraft, the photos show 
the hurricane in red are false color images (treated to represent certain 
wavelengths with different color of natural, to highlight aspects that 
scientists want to study).
Source: Hype Science
Adaptation: Avani Avani Soares

[ Observatory Parsec,City Canoas,Brazil]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section