土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2015/05/21(UT)
John Sussenbach,Yuri Girin,Milika-Nicholas

T.Ishibashi (310mm Newtonian)

(Tutomu-Ishibashi Kanagawa-P Japan)
≪神奈川県  相模原市  石橋力≫

Koji Endo(200mm Newtonian or 103mm Refractor)
20cmニュートン(ケンコー SE200N)を9.5kg→8.9kgに軽量化し、

≪埼玉県越谷市 遠藤宏次≫[Koji Endo : Saitama Japan]

John Sussenbach(C14 356mm SC)
Seeing was poor due to the low maximum altitude reached in Holland.

[John Sussenbach:Houten,Netherlands]

Yuri Girin(C-8 203mmSC)

[Yuri Girin :Sarov,Russia]

Milika-Nicholas (355mm SCT)
Here are the Saturn images for May 21st 2015, taken in very good seeing
conditions despite some mist passing through at times.


These images have been the subject of intense speculation as we concentrate
upon the large storm in high Northern latitudes & the longitudinal
disturbances it appears to be generating in the associates regions...


Furthermore, there also appears to be a strong correlation between our
latest images & the most recent Cassini data that covers these particular
regions of Saturn...


In both the Cassini & our own images this large dark spot appears to be
surrounded by bright spots as well as smaller dark spots in adjacent


For us this is a powerful testimony to not only the excellent seeing
conditions but also the performance/characteristics of the ASI174MM


Here is an rgb image, plus an "inverted" rgb image which is very good for
identifying the bright (cyclonic) storms because they appear as strong dark
spots (ie, inverted) in this type of image...an r image plus an "r"
animation, r  North Polar map & one with the r image heavily processed
compared to some of the latest Cassini images (May 25th) of these Northern


We have much more data from this & the next night which we will process over
the next week or so - any interested parties that utilise the ALPO-Japan
site & wish for further hi-res images (including ir610nm & ir742nm) from
these dates or other times can also contact us directly at

[Milika-Nicholas:Adelaide,South Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section