土星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Image 2017/07/15(UT)
山口貴弘,堀内 直,村田孝昭,熊森照明
Antonio Lasala Garcia,Fumega Camilo Ucha,Manolo Rodriguez
≪静岡県浜松市 山口貴弘≫[Takahiro Yamaguchi : Hamamatsu-City Shizuoka-Prefecture Japan]
《京都府宇治市、堀内直》[T.Horiuchi: Uji- City Kyoto Japan]
≪東京都 国立市 村田孝昭≫[Takaaki Murata: Tokyo Japan]
≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]
[Antonio Lasala :Morata de Jalon:Spain]
Good relative Seeing for my location. Cooling the optics for four hours.
[Fumega Camilo Ucha : Galicia,Spain]
In the north polar projection of the forced image with wavelets one can see an unfolding of the edge of the line of the first polar banding
after the "hexagon". A double line on the edge of separation of the two zones delimiting a clearer space and encompassing about 60
In the north polar projection of the forced image with wavelets one can see an unfolding of the edge of the line of the first polar banding
after the "hexagon". A double line on the edge of separation of the two zones delimiting a clearer space and encompassing about 60d.
[Manolo Rodriguez : El Pedroso,Seville,Spain]