火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2018/05/30(UT)

Alexey Kasakov,Efrain Morales Rivera

解説(安達)/ Comment by Makoto Adachi
1)地上観測を基にした解説(Comments based on images shot on the earth)
 Efrain Morales Rivera氏はMare Acirariumの東の端にIRで光斑を記録した。この光斑こそこれから先のダストストームの初期の姿となった。
  Efrain Morales Rivera recorded a spot on IR at the east edge of Mare Acirarium. This light spot became the initial appearance 
of the future dust storm. From this IR image, other than this light spot, it shows the state of normal Mars surface.
(by 2 observations ;reported by Makoto Adachi)

2)MRO画像を基にした解説(Comment based on the image from MRO)
 ようやく地球から姿をとらえることができた。Efrain Morales Rivera氏がIRで記録した。非常に明るい画像で、一目でダストストー
 Finally I could catch the figure from the earth. Mr. Efrain Morales Rivera recorded by IR. It was a very bright image and it turned 
out to be a dust storm at a glance. It is the third day after being caught by MRO. The tip has reached 40 degrees west longitude. 
The most developed part (dense part) has a center around 15 degrees west longitude. The cloud top of the dust storm in this part 
is a concentric circle and it looks like the center of the low pressure of the earth.

Alexey Kasakov

[Alexey Kasakov : [Noginsk,Moscow Region,Russia]

Efrain Morales Rivera

[Efrain Morales Rivera  Aguadilla:Puerto Rico]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section