Saturn Report 2018 by L.Morrone
Below a summary of the observations performed during the period March-September 2018.
The various sessions have been carried out by the instrumentation shown on the picture from my Home observation post: Agerola-Amalfi Coast 40 N 37 '14 E 680 s.l.m.
Taking into account the Saturn elevation in the sky (about 25 above the horizon), the conditions in terms of seeing were at times good with variable transparency.
To eliminate the effects of atmospheric extinction, an ADC ZWO atmospheric dispersion corrector was used.
For each session, different RGB sets were de-rotated by the WinJupos software.
Unfortunately, this year in Italy the weather has been very variable and i tried to exploit every window, within the limits of atmospheric stability.
The best weather condition were concentrated in the period of July, during which the evolution of some spots in the North Polar region was followed.
No particular atmospheric events were detected near the equatorial regions and intermediate zones.
In some shots the hexagonal structure that characterizes the North Polar region is evident.
Clear Skies
[Luigi Morrone : City Agerola Italy]
ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section