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Saturn Image 2019/03/17(UT)
Luis Amiama Gomez,Paul Maxson,Trevor Barry
[Luis Amiama Gomez : [Santo Domingo,Dominican Republic]
[ Paul Maxson:Surprise,Arizona,United States]
Imaged Saturn March 17th in quite reasonable seeing, have well resolved at least four active bright cells within the polar storm.
Of interest there is one close to the polar hexagon just to the P side of one of the hexagons vertices, it is seen to move nicely in my IR animation.
North Polar storm, bright spots centered at approx
Lat+73.1 L3 344.7, Lat+64.2 L3 336.5, Lat+64.3 L3 0.5, Lat+64 L3 24.9
These features are seen in the IR and R data but the G & B channels hurt the RGB result. The image I used for my measurements was the IR data set from 19:44 UTC.
[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]