Saturn Report 2019 by L.Morrone
My best images of Saturn captured during the period July-September 2019.
The various sessions have been carried out by my personal observation site located in Agerola-Amalfitan Coast-Italy 40‹ 37fN 14‹ 33fE 680m s.l.
The setup used:
C14 Edge HD, Fornax52, ASI 178 mono camera, Baader RGB & IR>685nm, ADC ZWO.
This is my first year with a new 14h scope. The C14 Edge HD is an excellent optical tube and I really enjoyed myself. I have tried to optimize the overall setup and I am quite satisfied.
The conditions in terms of seeing and transparency were good taking into account the position of the Planet in the sky (about 25 ‹ above the horizon).¬
To eliminate the effects of atmospheric extinction, an ADC ZWO atmospheric dispersion corrector was used.
For each session, different RGB sets were de-rotated by the WinJupos software.
Unfortunately, this year in Italy the weather has been very variable and i tried to exploit every window, within the limits of atmospheric stability.
No particular atmospheric events were detected close to the equatorial regions and intermediate zones.
Details for the Globe and the Rings system can be seen.¬
The North Polar Vortex and the Polar Hexagon are well resolved.
For the overall work I have stored about 1TB of data and I have performed about 60 hours for the post-processing phase.
[Luigi Morrone : City Agerola Italy]
ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section