火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2020/10/04(UT)

Alexandre Picoli Scardua,Randy Tatum,Stephen James O'Meara,Gerald Stelmack,Niall MacNeill,Anthony Wesley,Hisanori GONDO

下記リンクをクリックにて安達氏のコメント(PDFファイル)が開きます。 Click the link below to open the Comment(PDF File) by Makoto Adachi on a new page. 解説(安達)/ Comment by Makoto Adachi
Alexandre Picoli Scardua
Seeing 7/10 Trans 7/10,Nice vision of Syrtis Major and Hellas.

[ Alexandre Picoli Scardua: Vitoria,Espirito Santo,Brazil]

Randy Tatum
Seeing was variable. The crater Schiaparelli was bright.
[ Randy Tatum,Richmond,VA U.S.A]

Stephen James O'Meara
[Stephen James O'Meara : Maun,Botswana]

Gerald Stelmack

[G.Stelmack : Canada]

Niall MacNeill
[Niall MacNeill : Wattle Flat,NSW,Australia]

Anthony Wesley
here's an interesting experiment done with image data from Oct 4.
I had very good seeing that night but I've only now had the chance to come back to it and process it the way I wanted to try out.
In addition to normal RGB I recorded several runs using a narrow B filter (400-450nm) which shows the faint clouds more clearly,
and I've added that as an overlay onto the RGB data to make this cloud-enhanced image.
Unfortunately the clouds now show all as white rather than some of the limb cloud in its natural blue colour,
but otherwise this image shows more clearly the faint clouds that were around at the time,
in particular the cloud near the centre of the image over Arsia Mons.

[Anthony Wesley,Murrumbateman Australia]
≪アンソニ  オーストラリア≫

Hisanori GONDO

[Hisanori GONDO : Sydney,Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section