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Saturn Image 2020/03/30(UT)

Avani Soares,Trevor Barry,Andy Casely

Avani Soares

[ Observatory Parsec,City Canoas,Brazil]

Trevor Barry
Imaged Saturn March 30th 2020 targeting a CM transit of the 2010 GWS AV. Seeing was variable but have quite reasonable 685nm IR data and some of the RGB data was nice. The AV is only resolved in the 685nm IR data. It really needs to be relatively central to resolve at the moment. Have a large volume of data,this session was from 18:44 UTC through 19:58 UTC. Received the hstjupiter message about Andyfs spot while working on my data. I note the bright polar spot is resolved in multiple data sets. I measure the AV to be at approx Lat+43 L3 160.2 and I measure the polar spot to be at approx Lat+74.7 L3 220. With Saturn climbing higher I expect to be able to track the AV,with another month or so of data I should be able to firm up the current drift rate.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

Andy Casely
New high latitude storm identified

[Andy Casely,Sydney,Australiaa]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section