土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2020/05/04(UT)

Christopher Go,Trevor Barry,Cory Schmitz
Christopher Go,T.Barry,C.Schmitz

Christopher Go
The last two days were rainy due to a low pressure system in our location. Today seeing was excellent. This is my best data this year.
Not the two white spots at the NEBn. One of the spot is located before the CM while the second spot is towards the right edge.
There seems to be a bright spot on the right side of the Polar Hexagon.
The Polar Hexagon and the Polar Vortex is very distinct in the RGB image.  There is also some activity at the +63N area.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]

Trevor Barry
Imaged Saturn May 4th targeting a CM transit of the 2010GWS AV. I measure it to be at approx Lat+42.5 L3 105.2 itis visible in 685nm IR and R channel data,best seen in the IR. All data resolves the bright band of disturbance around the edge of the hexagon,best seen in IR and RGB data. The RGB data resolves at least 5 spots on the edge of the hexagon at approx Lat+76.2 L3 169.5,Lat+76 L3 148,Lat+76.3 L3 130,Lat+76.2 L3 104.6 & Lat+76.6 L385.6
[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

Cory Schmitz
Conditions were marginal, as shown in the data,
but still the polar storm shows a small bit of shape detail and slightly darker ring and center in IR over 12 minutes of derotation.

[Cory Schmitz : Johannesburg,South Africa]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section