y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2020/05/17(UT)

Willian Souza,Trevor Barry

Willian Souza
The turbulence was very high,and the seeing was bad...

[Willian Souza : Sao Paulo,Brazil]

Trevor Barry
Imaged Saturn May 17th initially in good seeing but which dropped off a little through the session. 
The first 685nm IR and R were good but the G & B and following IR not quite as good as at the start of the session. 
The North Polar Hexagon is very well defined as is the North Polar Vortex the IR animation nicely shows the rotation of the hex vertices over the session which was on this occasion only 33minfs. 
This session was limited due to a later start, to get the GRS with Jupiter and ended with my primary mirror cell running into the column of my mount.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section