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Saturn Image 2020/06/15(UT)
Trevor Barry,Ethan Chappel
Imaged Saturn June 15th targeting a CM transit of the fast moving bright spot in the North polar region.
My ephemeris for this feature predicted a CM transit June 15th 16:24 UTC L3 232.
I framed my session to cover the transit with an IR RGB run prior,a IR,RGB run with the IR centered on the transit with a following IR,RGB with hopes of an animation covering it.
Conditions were fair for my 685nm IR data but appalling for R,G & B data but the pre and mid transit IR data was just good enough to resolve the bright spot which I measure to be at approx Lat+64.1 L3 236.3
[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]
[Ethan Chappel Cibolo,Texas,United States]