y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2020/07/06(UT)

Trevor Barry,Cory Schmitz

Trevor Barry
In good seeing. The North Polar Vortex is well resolved as are the vertices of the polar hexagon.
I note large diffuse bright spots on the two flats of the hex toward the P limb also on the flats of the hex just rotating into view from the F limb.
There is a small compact dark spot best seen in the R & RGB data at approx Lat+59.3 L3 350.3 close to that is a large diffuse bright spot at approx Lat+62.1 L3 341.4
I also note a bright spot at approx Lat+34.8 L3 327.1. All recorded detail is marked in my animations.
[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

Cory Schmitz
Seeing conditions were beginning to deteriorate and there was a lot of vibration in the image due to atmospheric conditions. 
This caused a few aberrations in the stacked images along the higher contrast areas.

[Cory Schmitz : Johannesburg,South Africa]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section