土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2020/07/22(UT)

Walter Martins,Jose Alberto Berdejo,Trevor Barry,Vlamir da Silva Junior
W.Martins,A.Berdejo,T.Barry,V.da Silva Jr.

Walter Martins

[Walter Martins : SAO PAULO BRAZIL]

Jose Alberto Berdejo
The seeing was bad

[Jose Alberto Berdejo:Zaragoza Spain]

Trevor Barry
Imaged Saturn July 22nd in good seeing. The 685nm IR well resolves the North polar vortex and vertices of the hexagon.
IR and R data resolve the concentric structure of thin bands within the North polar collar.
Within this structure both IR and R data resolve a bright spot at approx Lat+63.1 L3 299.2
both IR and R also resolve a ripple impinging into the Southern edge of the dark band
that is the evolved remnant of the 2010 GWS at approx Lat+48 L3 259.9.
The RGB data resolves white spots at approx Lat+36 L3 310 and Lat+30 L3 278.1
The detail descibed in my report is marked in my animations.
[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

Vlamir da Silva Junior
[Vlamir da Silva Junior : Sao Paulo,Brazil]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section