y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2020/08/14(UT)
Pericles Enache,Jose Alberto Berdejo,Trevor Barry,Gustavo Gomez

Pericles Enache
Conditions were just reasonable after an afternoon rain storm that cleared the air pollution.
What has affected seeing were both strong jetstream of 50 m/s and ground level humidity about 93%.
Temperature of 20 degrees Celsius was nice for a winter night.
There were some wind gusts,around 8 m/s,that shook my C8 Evolution mount a bit.
Hopefully Saturn is very forgiving and a good final image was produced.

[Pericles Enache,Sao Paulo,Brazil]

Jose Alberto Berdejo
The seeing was bad.

[Jose Alberto Berdejo:Zaragoza Spain]

Nobuya Minagawa

ᓌs  s  FL[Nobuya Minagawa:Tokyo Japan]


 {  s@oqF[Toshihiko-Usude: Ohsaka Japan]

Trevor Barry
Imaged Saturn August 14th,considerable amounts of cloud were moving through but the gaps big enough for my data runs provided good seeing.
The North polar vortex and vertices of the hexagon are very well resolved in the 685nm IR data.
The IR data also resolves some of the concentric structure within the North polar collar and the IR animation nicely resolves the brightest segment of that structure rotating in from the F limb.
The R and RGB data resolves the dark and bright fast moving spots just inside the polar collar which I measure as follows; dark spot at approx Lat+63.1 L3 224.2,bright spot at approx Lat+62.1 L3 232.2.
All wavelengths resolve the largest amplitude ripple in the EZ impinging into the NEB.
[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

Gustavo Gomez
JulianDateUT>2459075.63873, CM1 351.16, CM2 350.80, CM3 202.28, q 0.9020375495
DeclinationOfEarthOnPlanet 22.2724
Telescope: SW 305mm f5 Newton, The equatorial mount used is DIY, with its motors controlled by a computer.
Barlow Meade 3x, Camera QHY5LII monochrome
24 videos were made, obtaining 52,203 frames, of which 9730 were used, the capture rate was approximately 80 fps.
Heaven was Bortle 8.Seening 8/10 Trans 7/10

[Gustavo Gomez : Rosario,Argentina]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section