土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2020/09/05(UT)

Luigi Morrone,Michael Wong,Trevor Barry

Luigi Morrone

[Luigi Morrone : City Agerola Italy]

Michael Wong

[Michael Wong,Hong Kong,China]

Trevor Barry
Imaged Saturn September 5th targeting a CM transit of the 2010 GWS AV, seeing was goodish.
The 685nm IR very nicely resolves the North polar vortex and vertices of the hexagon with both IR and R data resolving the thin concentric banding structure inside the North polar collar (NPR). 
The bright spot, dark spot, bright spot sequence just inside the polar collar are resolved at all wavelengths as is the AV but it is best seen in the IR data. 
A mid latitude bright spot is resolved in R and RGB data while a concentrated v-small bright spot is resolved in all data in the Southern EZ. 
I measure the dark spot just inside the polar collar to be at approx Lat+63.9 L3 319.2 with the AV at approx Lat+42.7 L3 270.6. 
The mid latitude bright spot is at approx Lat+36.8 L3 260.2 with the EZ south bright spot at approx Lat-5.1 L1 85.8.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section